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Parent Consent

Early Intervention

…AEA must accept either parent’s consent or revocation of consent. What are “Reasonable Efforts” to Obtain Consent? When consent is necessary, the IFSP team must make “reasonable efforts” to obtain

Competent Private Instruction

Special Education

COMPETENT PRIVATE INSTRUCTION Competent Private Instruction Private Instruction Options Option for Dual Enrollment for Special Education Services Option To Revoke Consent of Special Education Services Home Schooling Form Procedures for

Reevaluations for Special Education

Special Education

…the following domains: academic, adaptive behavior, social emotional behavior, communication, health, hearing, vision, physical. The RIOT (review, interview, observe, and test) process will be used to collect additional information, which…

Hearing: Special Factor Considerations

Special Education

…Both expressive and receptive communication modes should be considered. The modes of communication, including sign language, spoken language, tactile communication, or other forms of communication should be a part of…

Contents of an IFSP

Early Intervention

…participate in everyday family and community activities. Information about the Child’s Development Each child under three years of age who is referred for evaluation or early intervention services and suspected…

Early Intervention Records

Early Intervention

…AEA staff obtain access to only those early intervention or educational records in which they have legitimate educational interests. Record of Parties Obtaining Access to Early Intervention Records The AEA…

Assistive Technology: Special Factor Considerations

Special Education

…visual supports such as first/then chart Communication – augmentative or alternative communication device (AAC), visual supports Computer Access – adaptive keyboard, mouse pointer, larger monitor Hearing – classroom amplification, captioning…

Social Emotional Behavior in an IEP

Special Education

…of alternating treatment design to establish repeating patterns of behavior. NOTE: Formal training is required to conduct a technically adequate experimental analysis. Complete the FBA Summary Form This form provides…

Accredited Nonpublic Schools

Special Education

…disabilities. The consultation must occur at least annually. Required Components of Consultation The required consultation process must ensure adequate participation, including an opportunity to make and respond to comments via…

Interagency Collaboration for Early ACCESS

Early Intervention

…AEA and Signatory Agency staff promote awareness of Early ACCESS procedures, support professional development related to Early ACCESS for community partners, participate in local Early Childhood Iowa Boards/Committees, and serve…