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IFSP Exits

Children eligible for Early ACCESS must exit early intervention services when they reach their third birthday (maximum age of eligibility). There are other circumstances when children may exit such as when a parent revokes consent or an IFSP team determines they are no longer eligible. The IFSP Team must complete the exit process to accurately document the circumstances and reason when a child exits. Documenting the exit process is part of reporting requirements of the reasons children exit Early ACCESS services. The exit codes are used for children leaving Early ACCESS once an IFSP has been developed and parent(s) have provided consent for Early ACCESS services.

For all children who exit Early ACCESS, the service coordinator will coordinate with the IFSP team to complete the exit process, including determination of the Early Childhood Outcome (ECO) descriptions and progress within each area, and ensure the family understands they will no longer receive Early ACCESS services. For children transitioning from early intervention to special education, the Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) must be completed prior to exiting early intervention. The IFSP and IEP teams must jointly summarize children's skills and strengths and determine the ECO descriptions within each area. For more information on completing the ECO process, go to Early Childhood Outcomes (ECO) for Early ACCESS.

If a meeting is required or requested by the family or other team members, the service coordinator will schedule an IFSP meeting. For children reaching their third birthday, the service coordinator ensures that the transition plan has been carried out and updates documentation.  In all cases, provide a prior written notice that indicates the final date of services which will be the day before the child’s third birthday for children transitioning to special education (IDEA Part B 619) or other community services.

When a team, including parents, decide that a learner will exit their IFSP, it is based on a reason for exit - these reasons are described below.  Codes & Definitions Used in the ACHIEVE System - Early Intervention is a resource that will assist teams in documenting exits in Iowa’s IFSP system.

Exiting Prior to Age 3

Completion of IFSP prior to reaching maximum age for Early ACCESS

When children younger than 2 years 9 months exit Early ACCESS, the service coordinator will coordinate with the IFSP team to complete the IFSP documentation and complete the final exit process.

For a child younger than 2 years 9 months, an IFSP team must obtain parental consent to complete a comprehensive evaluation to determine a child does not continue to be eligible for Early ACCESS. If the child is no longer experiencing a developmental delay or does not have a diagnosed condition, the service coordinator will schedule an IFSP meeting to complete the exit process. This includes finalizing the evaluation, completing documentation, including the ECO areas and progress, and providing prior written notice stating the child is exiting Early ACCESS services as the child is no longer eligible for Early ACCESS.

When an IFSP Team has determined a child does not continue to be eligible for Early ACCESS, the child will exit for the reason "completion of IFSP prior to reaching maximum age for Early ACCESS."

Child Moved out of State

When a child younger than 2 years 9 months moves out of state, the child must be exited from Early ACCESS in Iowa. If the IFSP Team is informed of the plan to move out of state, the team may want to offer the family the opportunity to review the IFSP, complete the documentation, including the ECO areas and progress, and complete the final exit process.  The exit reason is the “child moved out of state.”

Services Declined by the Parent

When the parent declines all services after an IFSP has been in place, or declines to consent to all services on an IFSP and provides a written or verbal notice of withdrawal from Early ACCESS, the service coordinator will coordinate with the IFSP Team to complete IFSP documentation, including the ECO areas and progress, provide prior written notice, and complete the final exit process. The child will exit for the reason that Early ACCESS “services discontinued at parental request.”

Child Deceased

When a child passes away prior to their third birthday, even if the child’s death occurred during the transition process, the exit reason is “deceased.”

Location of the Child is Unknown or Unable to Contact Family

When Early ACCESS staff are unable to contact or locate the family of a child with an active IFSP after repeated, documented attempts, the child is exited from Early ACCESS services. The exit reason is the “child’s location is unknown or unable to contact the family.”

Exits upon Reaching Age 3

Child is determined to be eligible for early childhood special education (IDEA Part B), exiting Early ACCESS (IDEA Part C) at age Three

When a child has received services in Early ACCESS (IDEA Part C), has reached at least age 2 years 9 months, and has been determined eligible for special education (IDEA Part B) prior to age 3, the reason for exit is “eligible for special education.” This exit reason is also used when a child is determined eligible for special education services and a parent(s) declines to provide consent for special education services.

Determined to be not eligible for Part B, exited with no referrals

When a child has reached age 2 years 9 months and the following were completed: 

  • IFSP team involved special education for a child potentially eligible for special education; 
  • Special education team determined the child was not eligible for special education by completing a disability suspect or a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation; and, 
  • Family was NOT provided information about other programs prior to the child exiting Early ACCESS, 

The child exits Early ACCESS as “not eligible for special education; no referrals to other programs.”

Determined to be not eligible for Part B, exited with referrals to other programs

When a child has reached age 2 years 9 months and the following were completed: 

  • IFSP team involved special education for a child potentially eligible for special education; 
  • Special education team determined the child was not eligible for special education by completing a disability suspect or a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation; and,
  • Family was provided referrals or information about other programs prior to the child exiting Early ACCESS, 

The child exits Early ACCESS as “not eligible for special education; referrals made to other programs.”

The child does not have to be enrolled in another program; however, the family must be provided with information about other programs and services that the child could attend.

In these situations “referral” means:

  • Sharing information with families about potential resources or services whether or not the families contact or access a resource; or,
  • Referring families to early childhood programs, community agencies/organizations, or a potential resource or service; OR
  • Continuing a service after exiting from Early ACCESS such as WIC, Head Start, or child care which the child was already been receiving during their time in Early ACCESS and prior to their exit.

Part B eligibility not determined

When a child has reached age 2 years 9 months, and parents consented to a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation for special education, and eligibility was not determined prior to age 3, the reason for exit is “special education not determined.” This exit reason is also used for a child who was nearing their third birthday; the special education team determined there was a suspicion of a disability and parent(s) declined consent for a Full and Individual Initial Evaluation for special education.

Exit Process Resources

For additional information, IFSP teams should reference the Codes and Definitions Used in the ACHIEVE System Document to determine the accurate exit reason and code.