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Understanding Transferring Students

An eligible individual may move from one school district to another within the state of Iowa or move in or out of the state. When a student transfers districts, it is essential that the new district, previous district, and the student’s family communicate and collaborate to ensure the student’s educational records, including IEPs, are transferred in a timely manner in order for the new district to provide FAPE to the student.

NOTE: Move-in/out involving other countries are handled in the same manner as move-in/out of the state.

When a Learner Moves from One Iowa District to Another Iowa District (Including Shelter and Detention Settings)

The new district is responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education ( FAPE) to the student including services comparable to those described in the learner’s IEP from the previous district. The new district can implement the IEP as written, amend the existing IEP or develop a new IEP.

Note: When a learner is placed in a shelter setting or detention center outside the resident district, the learner’s IEP should be implemented, and FAPE provided upon the student’s arrival.  The IEP transfer process must be completed prior to day 11 of their attendance. The transfer process may occur anytime during the initial 10 days of attendance but must occur prior to the 11th day. The learner will receive services comparable to what is outlined in the current IEP and progress monitoring will be conducted by the teacher(s) in the shelter setting.

Responsibilities of Previous District:

  • Upon request from the new district, send learner records, including electronically transferring the IEP. Prior to transferring the IEP, all progress monitoring data should be updated within the IEP.
  • Communicate any knowledge of the learner’s/family's plans to transfer to the new district.
  • Provide additional information as requested to support the implementation of the IEP at the new school.

Responsibilities of New District:

  • Consult with parent(s)/family at the point of enrollment to determine if the learner has an IEP.
  • Request the learner’s records, including the request to transfer the IEP, from the previous district.
  • Provide FAPE to the learner including services comparable to what is outlined in the current IEP.
  • Collaborate and communicate with the parent(s)/family to determine if the IEP will be implemented as written, amended, or a new IEP will be developed in a timely manner.
  • An IEP Team meeting in the new district is a best practice.  If the IEP team amends the previous IEP or develops a new one, provide parent(s)/family with prior written notice documenting the services and supports which the IEP team determined appropriate to meet the learner’s needs.

Note: In cases where a learner is placed in a shelter or detention center (staffed by and administered through the local AEA), the AEA will have responsibilities for the tasks above.  While the AEA will implement the IEPs for learners in these shorter term placements, records will not be requested from the previous district.

When a Learner Moves in from Out of State to Iowa

The new district is responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to the learner including services comparable to those described in a learner’s active/current IEP, as well as determining eligibility per Iowa’s Evaluation and Eligibility Standards. If the learner is determined eligible, the new district will develop and finalize an Iowa IEP to address learner needs.

Responsibilities of Iowa District:

  • Consult with parent(s)/family at the point of enrollment to determine if the learner has an IEP.
  • Request the learner’s records from the out of state school district.
  • Provide FAPE to the learner, including services comparable to what is outlined in the most current out of state IEP.
  • Review all available information, in conjunction with AEA staff.
    • If available information is sufficient to determine that the learner is an eligible individual under Iowa Standards and that there is sufficient information to develop an Iowa IEP, no reevaluation is required.
    • If available information is insufficient to determine if the learner continues to be an eligible individual under Iowa Standards or the information is insufficient to develop an Iowa IEP, the reevaluation process must be initiated.
      • The Reevaluation Consent/Notice must be completed and parental consent to evaluate must be obtained and documented by the signature on this form.
      • Upon completion of the reevaluation, the Iowa IEP team must make an eligibility determination and, if the learner is an eligible individual, develop a new Iowa IEP.
      • The IEP team may determine it necessary to develop and implement an Interim IEP while the reevaluation process is being completed.
  • Provide parents with prior written notice documenting the eligibility decision and the services and supports which were determined appropriate to meet the learner’s needs by the IEP team

When a Learner Moves from Iowa to Out of State

When a learner with an IEP transfers out of Iowa, the IEP team will exit the student from the Iowa IDEA Data System. The parent(s)/family will need to communicate with the new district regarding their learner’s eligibility for special education services in Iowa.

Responsibilities of Iowa District:

  • Upon request from the out of state district, send the learner’s records, including the IEP. Prior to sending the IEP, update all progress monitoring data in the IEP.  For preschool children, complete the final Early Childhood Outcomes descriptions and progress.
  • Provide additional information as requested to support the implementation of the IEP.
  • Complete a final exit of the IEP within the Iowa IDEA Data System.

NOTE: When a learner with an IEP moves out of state, and then returns to an Iowa district at a later time, the district, in collaboration with the AEA, must review available information from the out of state district, to ensure continued eligibility, per Iowa’s Evaluation and Eligibility Standards. The IEP team will complete a reevaluation if necessary, and an Iowa IEP will be developed for an eligible learner.