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Brief descriptions of procedural clarifications, additions, and changes are described below, along with links to related pages within the i3 system.  Revised text sections  are reflected within the respective i3 sections, linked below.


Part B: Special Education Updates


Types of IEPs: Completion process of IEPs, use of drafts and delivering final copies to parents

  • Language was changed in this page to reflect the most accurate interpretation of the IEP completion process, use of drafts, and ensuring that parents receive a finalized copy of the IEP in a reasonable time frame.  Language changes address:
    • IEP teams may use drafts during the IEP development process, but are not required to use them.  It is not a requirement for parents to receive an IEP draft at a meeting.
    • An IEP process is complete when all discussion, decision making and commitment of resources are complete.  All agreed-upon services and supports to the eligible individual are provided immediately following the meeting, immediately upon parent receipt of documentation of an amendment without a meeting, or on a date specified in the IEP/Prior Written Notice.
    • Iowa Code does not specify a timeline for parent receipt of a finalized IEP.  The previous references to receiving a draft in 5 days and a final copy in 30 days are removed.
    • Parents must receive a finalized copy of the IEP and a Prior Written Notice in a reasonable amount of time, following the meeting.  This time frame will be agreed upon during the meeting.  When the parent portal becomes available in ACHIEVE, the final IEP could be shared electronically, per parent wishes (and assuming a Consent to Receive Electronic Communication is in place).
    • Modified language is reflected in the Types of IEP Page.

Components of the IEP

Accordion section, Identify a Learner’s Present Levels of Performance, is revised to more concisely describe the key components of this IEP section, including the consideration of special factors (linking to more specific guidance pages): 


Hearing – Special Factor Page

  • A new page was developed to detail the questions and considerations for the IEP team that help determine if hearing is a special factor that should be addressed in the IEP.  
  • Guidance for considering this factor is organized with the questions presented in ACHIEVE.
  • Revised Documentation of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Activities and Supports resource document is linked within the page, a resource that assists IEP teams in considering and documenting learner needs.
  • This new guidance  is reflected in the Hearing Special Factor Page.

Assistive Technology – Special Factor Page

  • This page was revised to detail the questions and considerations for the IEP team that help determine if assistive technology is a factor that should be addressed in the IEP.
  • Guidance for considering this factor is organized with the questions presented in ACHIEVE.
  • Modified language is reflected in the Assistive Technology and AEM Page.

Social Emotional Behavior – Special Factor Page

  • This page was revised to provide guidance and process organized with the questions presented in ACHIEVE.
  • This includes the questions for the IEP team to consider in determining if Social Emotional Behavior is a special factor to be addressed, potentially through the use of a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) or Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). 
  • Modified language is reflected in the Social Emotional Behavior Page.

ELPA21 / District-Wide Assessments

  • The Alternate ELPA21 is described as a new assessment that will allow ELL students with significant cognitive disabilities to be appropriately assessed.
  • Clarification that all federally mandated assessments (ISASP, DLM, ELPA21, and Alt ELPA21) are required to be administered by the district/entity providing instruction.  This means that learners served in out of state programs would participate in the state testing programs that align with their instruction.
  • Modified language is reflected in Components of an IEP Page (District-Wide Assessment/Alternate Assessment Section)

Resources (Part B)


Special Education Services and Activities  

  • Resource document is revised from previous version. 
  • ACHIEVE aligned language, eliminating items no longer appearing in ACHIEVE
  • References to weighted services/activities.  
  • Also a resource that addresses the distinction between services and activities/support when documenting learner needs in the IEP.  
  • This document is linked in the i3 services section, and also will be linked for reference within the ACHIEVE system as help text when adding services to the IEP.

Documentation of  Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Activities, and Supports 

  • Resource document is revised from previous version, also linked to NEW Hearing Special Factor Page.  
  • Addresses some of the unique services, supports and activities needed by DHH students, and aligns with ACHIEVE language. 
  • New references to weighted services/activities.

Reviewing an IEP for Medicaid Reimbursement Information  

  • Resource document is updated with ACHIEVE language, including descriptions of where to find documentation in the IEP that is required for Medicaid billable services.

AEA Support for Medicaid Billing 

  • Resource document is updated by the State Special Education Leadership Team to reflect the most current guidance.

Spring Updates: Completing Transition to ACHIEVE

Between now and June, 2023, with respect to resources and guidance specific to the Legacy IEP System, there will be some edits, revisions and removal of resources in the i3 system.  Some of these edits/removals will be completed in the i3 system without formal announcement or release notes.  Any changes that substantively impact Iowa Special Education Procedures will be posted in site updates as usual.