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Brief descriptions of procedural clarifications, additions, and changes are described below, along with links to related pages within the i3 system.  Revised text sections  are reflected within the respective i3 sections, linked below.


Part B: Special Education Updates


Early Childhood Special Education

  • This page has been significant revised to offer current guidance on several areas of process, in light of using the ACHIEVE system:
    • Early Childhood Setting Codes
    • Process of entering Early Childhood Outcome (ECO) codes, using the more interactive ECO decision tree method in ACHIEVE.
    • Process of developing Preschool to Kindergarten IEPs (PreK-K Transition) in ACHIEVE, including PreK-K IEPs that may be developed in the late Spring.
  • The revised guidance  is reflected in the Early Childhood Special Education Page

Components of the IEP

Within the Components of the IEP page, accordion section, Identify a Learner’s Present Levels of Performance, includes several revised or new pages that provide guidance on the consideration of special factors

Health Services – Special Factor Page

  • Page was revised to include most current guidance regarding provision of health services and the development of Individual Health Plans (IHP).
  • Guidance for considering this factor is organized with the questions presented in ACHIEVE, to assist teams in considering learner needs in this special factor area.
  • Revisions in the Special Education Services and Activities document which defines the variety of services and activities that may be provided  and described to meet the unique needs of eligible individuals.  Revised guidance is included in this document regarding documentation of nursing and health services in the Services + portion of the IEP.
  •  Modified guidance  is reflected in the Health Services: Special Factor Considerations Page.

Accessible Educational Materials (AEM) – Special Factor Page

Communication – Special Factor Page

Vision – Special Factor Page

  • This new page is organized with the questions presented in ACHIEVE, to assist teams in considering learner needs in this special factor area.
  • Modified guidance is reflected in the Vision: Special Factor Consideration Page.

Exiting Special Education: Reaching Maximum Age

  • Per Iowa code, a learner who reaches 21 years of age during the school year will be eligible to finish the school year.  Added clarification/guidance: Learners with summer birthdays who turn 21 before the first day of school will not be eligible to enroll for an additional year, except in the case of a formal exception.
  • Revised guidance is reflected on the Reaching Maximum Age accordion section of the Exiting Special Education Page.

Resources (Part B)


Video Resource – Searching Information on the i3 Website

  • This brief demonstration video: for new i3 users demonstrates methods of locating information in the i3 website by use of the tiered menus/breadcrumbs, search function (keywords) and the site map.  A text document with visuals also provides guidance for locating needed information in the site.  These resources have been linked on the banner across the top of the i3 site.

Child Find Process Guide – Resource for Families

  • This resource was revised to reflect the new/modified Iowa assessment domains, and to include family friendly language.  It is available in English and Spanish and located in the i3 special education resource section.
  • The revised document has been made available to the AEAs through Family Educator Partnership (FEP) for those that wish to produce printed versions for families.

Early Childhood Outcome (ECO) Decision Tree

Codes and Definitions Used in the ACHIEVE System

  • There are a number of areas where learner enrollment situations result in codes, recorded in the ACHIEVE system.  Some codes are associated with selections directly chosen for learners, and other codes are generated “behind the scenes” by the system, based on information imported from the student information systems and entered information.  For some codes, reports may be generated to allow the analysis of group data.  Additionally, some data from coded fields are summarized for state and federal reporting purposes.  The Codes and Definitions Used in the ACHIEVE System document is located in the i3 Special Education Resources.

Special Education Services and Activities

  • Resource Document for Special Education Services and Activities is revised from previous version – primary edits addressing nursing and health services.
  • ACHIEVE aligned language, eliminating items no longer appearing in ACHIEVE
  • References to weighted services/activities.  
  • Also a resource that addresses the distinction between services and activities/support when documenting learner needs in the IEP.  
  • This document is linked in the i3 services section, and also will be linked for reference within the ACHIEVE system as help text when adding services to the IEP.

Spring Updates: Completing Transition to ACHIEVE

With respect to resources and guidance specific to the Legacy IEP System, there have been some edits, revisions and removal of resources in the i3 system, ongoing this Spring  These edits will continue through June without formal announcement or release notes.  Any changes that substantively impact Iowa Special Education Procedures have been or will  be posted in site updates as usual.